The German Lynchmob ! (is back)

"I'm not a Nazi," the innkeeper says, standing without an umbrella in the rain. "I know negroes, I know the döner kebab Turks. I just want my peace and quiet and my German rights." "Those aren't Nazis," the neighbor says, pointing to a group of young men. "Those are young people who the system has turned into who they are." We're going to have to defend ourselves against the "Kanaken," says a steward wearing a white band on his upper arm, using a German racial slur that refers to Southern Europeans and people from the Middle East. Last Wednesday night, in the Einsiedel district of Chemnitz, a city in the eastern state of Saxony, a barricade set up by local citizens was still standing, as it had been for the past 48 hours. Once again, hundreds of people had gathered on Anton Hermann Strasse, which leads straight past pretty burgher houses up to a camp that used to belong to the Pioneers, the East Ger...