US deliberately targeting Shia anti ISIS fighters!

Very credible Iraqi Shi’ite institutions and groups fighting alongside the Iraqi regular army are threatening retaliation against US forces in the country should this pattern of targeting their forces whilst fighting the DAESH /ISIS by US Planes continue. Several recent incidents of so called “friendly fire” deaths in air strikes proved that the Pentagon was deliberately targeting the Shia during the fighting against ISIS..… This explains why the Iranians left the scene during the recent successful liberation of Iraqi territories from the ISIS with leaks of info and Photos of Gen. Soleimani being actively on the Ground helping. (Iran’s specialists and advisers immediately left the scene after seeing the American planes to be constantly attacking and bombing the wrong sites) . The US claimed hereupon, that the Iranians did not want to be seen fighting alongside the Americans… The very recent incidents took place in the Anbar Province, where thousands of Shi’ite volunteer...