Interjection !

The first issue, is the newly published IAEA report regarding Iran's nuclear program. The report hopes to kick start, putting an end to the big and small disputes of the so called 5-1 with Iran. It was probably the best the West and Iran could have hoped for. Fact of the matter is the West needed something to save its face for its more than a decade long chantage of Iran's Government with all those sanctions, not to mention the hardships it put upon the Iranian nation… Probable objective was (at the behest of pro Israeli Lobbyists) initiations of at best unrest and regime change, or at least foreign policy change. None seems to have materialized. Announcing that the Iranians probably had conducted research at some point years ago, but now, as of 2009 exists no further evidence, is so ridiculously lame and cosmetic, that the Iranians can only smirk and let the West have this little validation only to move on and get it over with. However...