The Torture Report

Senate Intelligence Committee's Report (USA) was permitted to published a 10% summary of its report on the CIA's torture program. To get a sense of the gravity of the abuses here are the "TOP 15", detailed by this (90% censored) report. ! 1. CIA put hummus in detainees rectums 2. CIA forced detainees to stand on broken feet 3. CIA threatened to rape mothers of detainees 4. CIA waterboarded one detainee at least 183 times 5. CIA nearly drowned to death two detainees during their sessions 6. A Detainee lost his left eye while in CIA custody 7. CIA held torture sessions knowing they'd worsen detainees' injuries 8.CIA kept detainees awake for as long as 180 hours (over a week) 9. Verified CIA killing of at least one person under torture 10. Some CIA interrogators objected to the tortures (but were ordered to keep going b...