The Gospel of Barnabas

It is said…! In the beginning of it all and by that we mean for over 2000 years ago, there were the disciples of Jesus, whom if we contemplate their times never had any plans to establish a religion of any sort. The disciples were socially a group of mixed Semite men and women. Most of them lived and observed their Jewish traditions and as far as it is known, not even their immediate neighbors had any reason to even consider them as peoples of a different set of beliefs… The only difference was a kind of Jesus additive, a touch of extra Jesus teachings or better said those virtues that moved everyone in his (Jesus) environment. There was no such thing as Christianity when Jesus disappeared. .. The whole movement really started when the Alpha elements of the Jewish hierarchy started making a fuss about these people undermining their absolute authority. What Jesus is concerned, the existence of so many interpretations of events with regard to him is more than unders...