Let’s talk Iraq

l Let us do some fact checking, Iraq has a population of almost 32,000,000 of which are 67 % Shia Muslims and that translates into the number of over 21,000,000 and of the 32, 000,000 we have 18% Kurdish (non-Arab, racially and culturally more Iranian) population which translates into over 5.5,000,000 and that leaves us with about 5.5,000,000 Arab Sunni Muslims. Of this mentioned number of 5.5 Mil. Sunni-Arab Iraqis, more than 40% (over 2.2 Mil.) are dispersed around the region and/or inside Iraq, and they have demonstrably nothing to do with the extremism claimed and magnified by the western press. That leaves us 3.3 Mil. Arab Sunni Iraqis of who over 50% are politically passive due to reasons of tribal and regional considerations (anyone who knows of the ABC of that region knows what is meant) that leaves just over 1.5 million “eventually” disgruntled Iraqis that need special attention. (Important note here, do NOT mistake in your calculations and include the...