The Sanctions Committee

Probably one of the more interesting aspects of Iran’s not so far history...We should travel back almost a century and imagine the world of the First World War to understand the environment in which our article unfolds… In those days, Iran as a nation and country was struggling to survive the last stages of a dying feudal hierarchy based on an absolute monarchy system. The Monarchy itself, was trying to survive the times with all the revolts and revolutions, probably only surviving because of the foreign support it was receiving. (very much like the Monarchies of the southern Persian gulf tribal states)........This objective was being achieved through constant yielding and accepting too many wishes and granting too much influence to the two super powers of the time, Russia and Britain, and all that regardless of Iran's national interests. The Iranian shortcomings in dealing with these super powers and the granting of so much privilege to them surpassed all levels of toleranc...