Stuxnet is not a virus!

Anyone who has not heard of the word “Stuxnet” is probably living in a parallel world, looking it up will give us a definition that simplifies it into a computer Virus thus classifying it as the known modern phenomenon that is around. We think, such new technologically generated phenomenon shall always be around….as long as it’s not a biological hazard, the assumption will be, we can live with it and contain it when the time comes, as was the case with countless other such Viruses like the Millennium Bug or prior to that the Davin chi bug and etc. However Stuxnet, is and was never a Virus, but simply a complot. (All diagrams with regards to it being a Virus and all those complicated and intimidating illustrations and explanations are false and intended to confuse) The name of the game is irrelevant and the names of the companies involved indeed not quite irrelevant but in this article secondary, because it should not divert our attentions in making this “comp...