Chaos (The Making of)

World politics is becoming ever more boring, so let’s start from Europe and move towards the East in a fast-forward kind of modus. The UK is as always fighting its demons but this time on a daily basis…yet pretending all is fine, meantime they have become as insecure as the Americans when it comes to the question of security. France , due to a terribly corrupt period of “Sarkozy” has been sinking into an ever more militaristic society. (My personal fondness of these societies’ causes an extra heartache when observing the level of social and cultural degeneration). Germany has an appreciated place in Europe for everyone, however the bureaucratic resistance in digesting an apparent changing demographic development in its society is very disappointing,....specially the recent officialized claim of “we didn’t know” concerning the racial nature of the serial killings of emigrants!!!!! which went on for almost a decade ( busted only,when a Policewoman was killed) brought bac...