Evil...Evil Wahabis (Saudis) !

Abdul Wahhab was a stern eighteenth century Muslim revivalist who considered that Islam, and Arabia in particular) needed cleansing and repurifying. Rather than worshipping just the one God, men were praying to saints, stones and statues. For this reason the Wahhabis call themselves Unitarians. In Saudi Arabia the home of Wahhabism, the name is not allowed to be used as it is considered integral to Islam and not a separate sect. (could well be a cause for execution) The descendants of this notorious Abdul Wahhab, the Al al Sheikh, are still chief of their so called ulama, the religious advisers to the Saudis who often are the money behind the terror groups active throughout the world (al-kaeda). The Wahabis see no separation whatever between church and state and so the King of the Saudis is also their Imam (spiritual leader), and thus the father of all Salafist extremists. Within sixty years these so called puritans controlled most of what is Saudi Arabia today...