Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss

The outspoken Rabbi, is known as an authentic Jew,to simplify his status and philosophy, read his statement below; "It has come to our attention that on Sunday, March 20, at 12:00 p.m., in front of the Iranian UN Mission at 633 Third Avenue, corner of 40th Street in Manhattan, certain rabble-rousers plan to hold a Megillah reading with the purpose of insulting the Iranian president and heating up tensions. Authentic Jews will be there to register their protest against these troublemakers, as well as express their pain and sorrow at this insulting and provocative behavior, which is a part of an approach that can have catastrophic consequences. "The portrayal of the Iranian president as an anti-Semite and hater of the Jewish people is patently false. In Iran, Jews and Judaism are treated with the honor and respect. The Zionists, ever since the founding of their movement, have adopted a policy of terrorizing and vilifying anyone who does not go along with their political line. B...