One Empire too many

We all know how America became the most powerful and respected country in the world after WW2. After having put almost 16 Million uniformed men across the world to fight Germany's Nazism and Japans propagated expansionism, it was unavoidable for the USA not to have catapulted itself into the most powerful country in the world. The cold war and the resulting eccentricities exercised was also somehow comprehensible and tolerated by everyone, since the alternative was Stalinization of the world as was the case with half Europe and that was a dreadful scenario. However, in 1989 the Cold war came to an end in the most dramatical manner. The fall of the Berlin Wall and the disintegration of the Soviet Union manifested a massive change for our World…. but America did not change. As China and Russia started to take over the markets of the world, The US kept soldiering on and militarizing every aspect of their policies and economy as NATO kept expanding with ex Warsaw Pact countries, as ...