Arses of evil... gone !

Bush, Blair and Sharon.. the undisputed evil minded leaders of our recent times are finally all down and never to return. They "Arse's of Evil" created a world full of hatred, war, bloodshed and divisions. Sharon's track-record was known and even the worst of AIPAC members feared his violent eccentrics, Sharon was only activated when peace was inevitable and knowing Sharon to be the only that can torpedo all sorts of peace efforts, because peace would have meant recognition of the 1967 frontiers and a Palestinian state. Blair was blackmailed into this war by the Americans, some say the Royal family in Britain was involved and the legitimacy of one of the heirs to the throne, which could have been leaked to the Press alongside an irrefutable DNA proof, but all this is unverifiable and as we say cheap "bla bla" unless actually proven, however Blair lied his lungs out to get to invade Iraq and kill a few thousands , and that makes him a pillar of our "A...